January 20, 2016

The Finer Details

This is what is commonly seen by everyone during the construction phase:
Illy Cafe ceiling at Detroit Metro Airport
Southwest Plaza in southwest Denver
 Plenty of hard work goes into crafting, creating, and bringing to life every detail and vision that is planned throughout the designing process of a retail and commercial space.  

Paying close attention to detail in areas not typically thought of as being fancy or high end, but are used heavily by consumers, is also important.

Including these guys!

Pretty clean looking rooms, huh?

Bathrooms need loving too!  

It's important that every space in which the consumer interacts in is unique, while being a complete and unified project.

Testing flooring on location

A unique area in Southwest Plaza provides a quick reprieve from shopping for families with children.

Brighter and more colorful waiting areas for family restrooms are more inviting and relaxing for shoppers.

Next time you're at the mall, an airport, or any retail center, observe your surroundings.  Everything, big and small, has it's purpose.